How to Introduce Your Team to Team Building

To employees, "team building" can also be coined as the term for boring, extra work that they have to drag their tired bodies through. It’s hard to introduce a large scale team building out of the blue without getting unenthused reactions. So how and where do you start building your team? Follow the tips below to kickstart your goal of creating a well-bonded team!

Start Small

As with everything we do, start small. Executing activities on a smaller scale will yield success in the long run, and you also don’t have to spend too much on it! An example of a simple activity is having lunch together! Food is the universal way to create and strengthen bonds - everyone loves food! Instead of having people eat at their own desks, get everyone to share their food! This works especially well for teams that have a diverse ethnicity. Trying foods of different cultures is definitely a good start to building relationships! 

Gradual Change

Slowly introduce new practices in the office, such as short 5-minute activities that will get the team to interact with one another. This will also allow employees to take a breather from working. It might feel odd and different in the beginning, but it should feel natural in no time! This is a good chance to introduce team building into the culture of your existing team. Don’t know what activity you can play with your team? We’ve got you covered here.

More Outings

Other than some fun in the office, activities outside of work can also be introduced. An example would be having dinner together after work! By now, team members should feel a lot more comfortable with one another. They may even have organised some of these themselves - and this is a good sign! Through all these activities, the team is actually subconsciously building themselves - and at no cost! 

Finally… A team building event for the ages!

Once having meals together and short breaks start feeling mundane and repetitive, it’s time to introduce new activities! Set a date when the entire team gets a break from the office and can head out to have fun! There are many team building activities out there for your team to explore - sporty, chill, creative - you name it and it probably exists in some form. This is when team building is not just about building relationships within the team, but rather building camaraderie and strengthening the ability to work well together. By now, you should be hearing more squeals of excitement from the team at the mention of “team building activities”. 

Try this cooking workshop that provides a platform for the team to work together! Located in the vicinity of Upper East Coast, this Sri Lankan cooking workshop introduces the history of this unique cuisine and the ingredients that make it up. Participants not only learn how to cook authentic Sri Lankan dishes, but also get to taste them! As mentioned, food brings everyone together - and cooking together will achieve double the effectiveness!

Price: $85/pax

What are you waiting for? Book now!

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At Culturally, we help you customize the perfect activity for your team, and make the complex planning process of one much easier for you! Contact us to plan your team building activity today!